drive away

[draɪv əˈweɪ]
  • 释义
  • 驱车离开;把…驱开,赶走;祛;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    A thin coat of balm on the arms can drive away the mosquitoes.


  • 2、

    You'd better drive away your cares.


  • 3、

    A short drive away at Rotorua airport I met my pilot, Roger.


  • 4、

    Why would a man's first instinct be to drive away from the only family he's got?


  • 5、

    Drive away potential burglars '; drive away bad thoughts; dispel doubts.

    赶走潜在的夜贼; 驱走坏思想; 驱散疑虑.

  • 6、

    People thought the and popping could help drive away evil spirits.


  • 7、

    It'served furthermore to drive away those Spirits who guard treasures, and to discover the same.

    它的作用此外有赶走守卫宝藏的灵魂, 和发现同样的事物.

  • 8、

    Critics of the plan fear it would damage Florida's beaches and drive away tourists.


  • 9、

    You may think it an innocent joke to drive away another person's car but in the eyes of the law it is theft.


  • 10、

    I saw him drive away in the direction of the town.


  • 11、

    But Japan again disappointed with the results stand, and drive away, we do not win confidence.

    但日本站结果再失望, 也驱不走我们夺冠的信心.

  • 12、

    We bought some beach wormwood to drive away mosquitoes.


  • 13、

    Only coward, would meet mountain to round drive away, meet water to turn to turn head.

    只有懦夫, 才会遇山绕开走, 遇水转回头.

  • 14、

    You stay in car and drive away.


  • 15、

    Some towns found that lynching was the only way to drive away bands of outlaws.


  • 16、

    People thought the spluttering sound could help to drive away evil spirits.


  • 17、

    Maybe you have social faults which drive away new acquaintances.


  • 18、

    At midnight, I'll turn into a pumpkin and drive away in my glass slipper.

    在午夜, 我会变出一个南瓜并且穿着我的水晶鞋乘车离开.

  • 19、

    The moment I come to you, take me in, and drive away. "

    只等我一到就让我上车出发. ”

    ——英汉文学 - 双城记
  • 20、

    They fought bravely to drive away enemies from their country.


  • 21、

    Some cafe owners also said they were concerned the ban would drive away customers.


  • 22、

    The President had his plane waiting, 20 minutes' drive away.


  • 23、

    How can I drive away these feelings of sadness?


  • 24、

    Maybe you have social faults such as snobbishness, talkativeness, and, etc. which drive away new acquaintances.

    也许你有社交方面的缺点,诸如势利 、 饶舌 、 出语粗俗等,使你的新相识退避三舍.

  • 25、

    What can I do to drive away these feelings of sadness?

    我怎样才能驱散内心的悲痛之情 呢 ?

  • 26、

    They drive away the donkeys of the orphans; They take the widow's ox for a pledge.

    伯 24:3 他们拉去孤儿的驴、取寡妇的牛为当头.

  • 27、

    They just push Justin and Paul into the back of a green van and drive away.


  • 28、

    Without a shotgun you cannot drive away the wolves and jackals.

